To get the best possible finish using a spray gun there are many factors that will come in to it, the main areas you need to focus on are air pressures, paint viscosity (thickness), distance of the gun from the panel and gun settings. So in this video I have taken a lot of time doing experiments to show you the difference it makes using the wrong settings compared having it setup properly. I will be demonstrating with the DeVilbiss Gti Pro Lite using both Conventional TE20 & HVLP H1 air caps. I hope you enjoy and can follow without being too confused, I will do my best to answer any questions to help out.
hi gun man i would like to paint my car at home
can the Devilbiss gti pro do base and clear what caps do i need ? can i use this with primer ?
I’m looking for a good gun that will last and can do most things
regards mark
keep the videos up there great !!!
Look no further than either the FLG5 or GPI both in 1.4mm if you want a gun to do primer as well then get the GPI in 1.4mm for clear & base and add the 1.8mm for primer. Oh if you mention that The Gunman sent you through these guys they’ll throw in a little extra for any order over 70 Pounds.
This is wicked nice to have access to someone else’s knowledge, Very nice. I know I will show my age :(, but in 1971 – 1973 I did this sort of thing full time by myself and had no access to internet (obviously) or any other source of info other than an occasional old timer. We used just enamel and reducer or lacquer and rubbed out, acrylic enamel was coming on the scene as a innovation (didn’t use it). This video reminds me of spray testing junk panels in an attempt to get rid of my biggest enemy “ORANGEPEEL” . After a whole bunch of work doing that I found that if I bumped up the reducer I got what I wanted, metallic wet, flat, glass that dried that way, tickled pink with my discovery but nobody else knew, just customers happy, I always wondered if it stayed that way without just flattening out in a few months, don’t know. We only had Binks and Devilbiss and they certainly weren’t hvlp or lvlp or anything like I have to learn to use today. Thank you for my start on new education as I try to get up to speed and do something productive and pretty for wife and my car/truck (that’s my speed these days). I did try a cheap hvlp and it certainly doesn’t shoot like my old squriters that are long gone now, I guess onward and upward with new generation methods and tools, probably a good thing. In any event this 69 yr. old appreciates your time with these videos !