Top 8 Primer Guns

This is The Gunman’s Top 8 Primer Gun Review, a comprehensive unbiased review based on objective facts about each gun. I have ranked each gun on the following 4 criteria. Build Quality, Price, Finish & Versatility
Each given criteria will be ranked on a 0-5 basis, then tallied up to give us a score out of 20.
Build Quality, Price & Finish is pretty self-explanatory, I added extra criteria for this review “Versatility” for the purpose of a large portion of my audience who are D.I.Y./Hobby painters and may just want one gun they can use for Primer, Base, 2K Colour & Clear Coat. So if a gun is available in a wide range of fluid tips it will get a higher Versatility score. If versatility is not an issue for you, disregard this.
Number 8 DeVilbiss PRi Pro lite
Price: 1/5
Build Quality: 4/5
Finish: 5/5
Versatility: 1/5
Overall Score: 11/20

In at Number 8 is the DeVilbiss Pri Pro-lite, this primer gun being 8th position highlights how fierce the competition is.
I can barely fault the primer gun itself, however, mine builds up a light layer of primer overspray on the air cap in an uneven manner, this has never affected the way it sprays, it may just be the one I have and not a common issue, Build Quality had to be marked down to 4/5.
I can’t fault how the gun sprays, I recently primed up a full respray on a Commodore ute, I used this gun and it got just the right amount on. No heavy orange peel to sand out, the fan is also nice and large allowing you to get a lot of material on quickly.
I am happy to give this gun 5/5 for Finish Quality.
This Gun is available in 1.4-1.6-1.8-2.0 & 2.5mm setups so you do have lots of options for tip sizes, but I couldn’t see myself spraying anything other than primer through this gun even if I had the 1.4 tip on it, so, for this reason, it got a low score for Versatility 1/5.
This gun is currently retailing around the $400 AUD mark so it scored 1/5 in the price category.
Number 7 ANi F160 Silver
Price: 4/5
Build Quality: 3/5
Finish: 4/5
Versatility: 1/5
Overall Score: 12/20

Taking out 7th spot is the ANi F160 Silver, this gun has replaced the F150 so if you’re only able to find the F150 in stock and you wanted this gun you could get that instead, functionality is identical, the design had some minor tweaks and the new gun is silver instead of black.
This gun gets 4/5 in the price category currently retailing under $200 AUD.
I can barely fault the build quality of the gun itself, however, the pots on most ANi guns I have used leave a bit to be desired, while still usable they just aren’t anywhere near as good as the likes of DeVilbiss, SATA & Iwata. For this reason, I had to mark it 3/5 for build quality.
The finish quality is great but again just not quite that of the big brand guns like DeVilbiss, SATA & Iwata, so it gets 4/5 for finish quality.
This gun is actually available in many tip sizes including 1.2-1.3-1.4-1.7 & 1.9mm but I am pretty sure the air cap must be changed to suit each fluid tip size, so it may seem a bit harsh to give it 1/5 for versatility.
Number 6 DeVilbiss SLG
Price: 5/5
Build Quality: 2/5
Finish: 4/5
Versatility: 2/5
Overall Score: 13/20

In at Number 6 is the DeVilbiss SLG (Starting Line Gun)
This is the cheapest gun on the list currently coming in at around $115 AUD so it gets a 5/5 for Price.
I just get the feeling these guns aren’t built with quality first in mind, they are made in Taiwan with much lower quality standards than any other gun with the DeVilbiss brand on it I have ever used, so Build Quality score is 2/5. This may not be an issue for someone who only paints a few times a year and doesn’t give it a daily workout.
I was actually quite surprised at how well it laid the primer down, I could barely fault the finish it achieves but as mentioned of the ANi pots it just doesn’t have the slickness of the likes of SATA, Iwata & the quality DeVilbiss guns.
The gun is available in 1.3 also but I’m pretty sure spares for this gun are difficult to find separately because of it being a budget gun.
This gun can be purchased in a kit with a mini gun, a 1.3 & 2.0mm tip so giving it a 2/5 for versatility may seem harsh but I don’t rate this gun highly for base/clear coat so I think it is fair.
Number 5 STATjet 100 BF RP
Price: 1/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Finish: 5/5
Versatility: 3/5
Overall Score: 14/20

Taking out 5th spot is the STATjet 100 BF RP.
This primer gun is an absolute beast, boasting a massive fan and second to none build quality.
With quality comes price, this gun currently retails around $450 AUD which I would have to say is more than I would be willing to pay for a primer gun but if quality is top of your list and you don’t mind the price tag then look no further. I have to give this gun 1/5 for price.
Build quality is a no-brainer getting a full 5/5.
This gun delivers flawless results thus getting 5/5 for Finish.
The SATA 100 B is also available in HVLP instead of RP, I am not the biggest fan of HVLP guns so I usually prefer SATA’s RP guns but HVLP is an option. There is a reasonable variety of tip sizes ranging from 1.4-1.6-1.8-2.0 for the RP model and 1.4-1.7-1.9-2.1 for the HVLP model. I could see myself spraying wet on wet primer and possibly even base/clear with the 1.4mm tip, however, I have never used the 1.4 so I can’t verify this, I’d also like to see a 2.5mm option for using polyester spray fillers. I give this gun 3/5 for versatility.
Number 4 Airgunsa AZ3 (By Iwata)
Price: 4/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Finish: 3/5
Versatility: 3/5
Overall Score: 15/20

Taking out 4th position is the Airgunsa AZ3.
One of the cheaper guns on the list currently retailing around $170 AUD gives this gun a 4/5 for Price.
This Primer gun is Bulletproof!! They are able to cop daily use in a workshop environment and last for years. Build quality is 5/5.
These guns do what they need to do, ideal for daily primer work in a workshop but the small fan does let it down when doing full resprays or larger areas, therefore, I must give it 3/5 for finish quality.
The gun has a wide variety of tip sizes including 1.0-1.3-1.5-1.8-2.0-2.5-2.8 & 3.0mm. If it wasn’t for the massive range of tip sizes it would have scored lower than 3/5 for Versatility. I have heard this gun isn’t very good in 1.3 for base/clear due to the small fan, although I have never used the AZ3 for anything other than 2K primers.
Number 3 Iwata Bellaria W400
Price: 1/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Finish: 5/5
Versatility: 5/5
Overall Score: 16/20

Going into this review I never thought this gun would have taken out 3rd spot.
This gun is on the high end of the price range currently retailing at around $780. This is much more than I would ever pay just for a primer gun.
The build quality is absolutely flawless, up there with SATA, an easy 5/5.
The fan size on this gun is mindblowing and achieves a perfect 5/5 Finish.
I didn’t even know this gun was available in such a wide variety of tip sizes until recently, if not for this, the gun would have been well down the list. You have 1.0-1.2-1.3-1.5-1.8 & 2.0mm tip size options, I can personally verify this gun is a beast for base/clear in 1.3mm. I give the Iwata Bellaria W400 a perfect 5/5 for Versatility.
Number 2 DeVilbiss GPi
Price: 3/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Finish: 5/5
Versatility: 4/5
Overall Score: 17/20

Up in 2nd position is the DeVilbiss GPi.
This is a midrange gun, currently retailing for around $320 AUD giving it 3/5 for Price.
The Build Quality is amazing, especially for the price it deserves 5/5.
I can’t fault the finish this gun gives, I give this gun 5/5 Finish Quality.
Whilst I wouldn’t pay $320 for a primer gun alone, I would recommend it with both 1.4 & 1.8 tips as an allrounder, Primer/Base/Clear gun. Because of the 3 tip size options 1.4-1.6 & 1.8mm I give this gun 4/5 for versatility, this is all most DIY/Hobbyists would need.
Number 1 DeVilbiss FLG5 (SGK)
Price: 4/5
Build Quality: 5/5
Finish: 5/5
Versatility: 4/5
Overall Score: 18/20

And The Gunman’s Number 1 Primer Gun is the DeVilbiss FLG5 (SGK)
This gun is an old-time favourite and no newbie to my YouTube viewers, it is reasonably priced, currently around the $200 AUD mark. Easily getting 4/5 for Price.
I cannot fault the Build Quality, a Brazillian beast getting 5/5, this gun can really take a beating.
Boasting a massive fan and fine atomization to lay that primer down slicker than whale snot. I give the FLG5 1.8 Primer Gun a perfect 5/5 for Finish Quality, it really can hold it’s own up against the top dollar guns.
And Versatility gets 4/5, simply because it sprays Base/Clear so well with the 1.4mm tip, get this gun in 1.4 & 1.8mm and you have a great gun capable of Primer, Base, Clear & 2K topcoat application.
You Can find the FLG5 for sale here.
This review was made possible by Sprayguns Direct so I’d like to say thanks to them for supplying the guns for review purposes, they have generously offered to give 3 lucky winners a Primer Gun of their choice from the 8 guns seen above. To be eligible, watch my YouTube video (below) hit the like button on that video, then come back here and leave a comment below (it can say anything) and I will be announcing the winners in a YouTube video soon, be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss out. (winners will also be contacted via the email address they use to comment on this post).
I have also decided to give 2 of the demo guns away, stay tuned for how to win them.
All prices cited above are taken from SprayGuns Direct website and inclusive of VAT but not including shipping. VAT may not apply in your country and shipping rates will also vary. The above prices will obviously change with currency exchange rates but all were converted to AUD because this is my home currency.
If it’s a mini gun you’re after then I recommend checking this review out.
I love the videos man! Thanks for all of them!
Another good video gunny keep up the awesome work mate ??
hey mate thanks for another great video, the way you unbiasedly scrutinise spray guns really does help to come to a conclusion when deciding between various brands and models.
Gunman your the absolute best no holds barred, truth be told painter I have had the pleasure of watching. I have become a better painter, better informed, equipped to do paint jobs than when I started out….thank you bro and yeah I got out their and painted some shit…..!
Thanks Gunny for what you do to educate us!
Good review and a wide range of brands, keep up the good work
Cant go wrong with pri pro lite for primer or even base with an unbelievavle level of versatility. Lol
Love the vids Gunny and I agree with the number 1 choice.
Thanks for all the leassons boss man.
Love your videos
Thank you very much for the videos. You’ve helped me more then I can explain.
Beautiful review mate!
Thanks for the video mate! Nice work
I knew the FLG5 would take it out. Can’t beat on a bang for buck basis.
Great video and review, definitely making it easier for me into which gun to buy as a dedicated primer gun!
A great Gunman review once again.
I have just got myself a FLG in a 1.4 set up for clear
and can not fault it in any shape or form.
now looking at getting the FLG in a 1.8 set up for primer.
Keep up the great work Gunny
Love the vids and thanks for all the great reviews and info!
Another excellent review, thanks for all your knowledge and advise. Thanks to SGD!
Great video I appreciate what The knowledge that you share with all of us Who are just getting started at 50 years of a age
Starting at 50 yrs old eh? I started at 60 ‘cuz my boss needed someone to fill in for him on the easy jobs. We’ve ben using an old beat up Iwata 400 for base and clear coats He likes his Sata, but I seem to always get runs. I guess you need a fast hand for that gun…plus you’re gonna get fogged out so bad you can’t see your work. After two years on the job I am now painting the high end jobs w/o runs or polishing, but I would like to step up my game. We use PPG products out of KC Paints in Lewiston, Id. We are located in Riggins,Id …a very small town indeed. Thank you for the tips on which gun works the best as I am just about to buy my own guns. I want the Pro-Lite and will get the G85 as well…if I don’t win this contest…LOL. I love painting and pleasing my customers and a new set of guns will help our turn around time for sure. Thanks again….Victor
I got started at 60 myself. My boss needed me to fill in for him ‘cuz he’s so busy with running the shop. WE are using an old beat up Iwata 400 for base and clear,but our primer guns are the disposable type…ugh! I was hired to do basic prep work, but whoever is willing to work will GET to do the work.I am ready to buy my own guns now because I have graduated to painting our high end insurance jobs and want to be impeccable from start to finish. We are using PPG products out of Lewiston Idaho. We are Hollon’s Haulin’ in Riggins, Id. Small town in the mountains and the locals, hunters and fisherman are constantly hitting deer and other wildlife….keeps us busy anyway (just the two of us). I will be buying the prolite and the #1 primer gun too? SKG Devilbiss. Lord knows I can use all the help I can get…lol. Thank you and I will keep watching! Victor
Another great video gunny, might have to invest in a new primer gun
Thanks for the reviews, been thinking about buying my own primer gun for a while because the shop gun is just terrible. This helps narrow it down!
Another great review gunny.
Thanks for all the video!!
Hi cool video on primer guns I’ve be using a sgk for primer for about 7 years it’s still good. could do with some new parts but what doesn’t need new part.
Epic I’m so glad to see that the startingline gun that I use didn’t come in at #8 as it lays epoxy nice. and I have to say I don’t think the CEO’s of any of the companys could complain about that review nothing but fair.cheers gunman
oops that one was me
Awesome as always thank you for the information.
Great work Gunny. Thanks for the time you put into these videos and reviews.
Hey Gunny great review, thought you might have had the Devilbiss SGK 600PR HVLP spray gun with the 2.0 tip primer gun in there somewhere, whats your thoughts on this gun if you have used it cheers.
Had to wake up at six here in the states to catch this! Great article and video! Always appreciate you taking time to do these in-depth videos! Just bought me the tekna vigilante as my first gun ever because of you and trying to build my arsenal as I work into my second year. Definitely looking to buy one primer gun since my shop is using a cheap 40 dollar one with a 1.3 tip and it’s just annoying to use! Cheers for everything and keep them nice RAW masking videos coming! They’ve helped me so much. Cheers, brother!
Hey man, i’ve got better paint Jobs at work since i started watching your vídeos, greeting from México city.
Gunny. Super surprised that a FLG5 came out on top! But super stoked as I brought one of these guns for base and clear after talking to you a few years back now. It would be super handy to have another FLG5 for primer! Cheers mate Jarrod
This is a great opportunity for someone starting out like me! Recently got into the industry working in a collision shop as a prepper! Thanks for all your help and tips it’s really made getting in the door easier and they seem to really like my capability and knowledge that I’ve gleaned from your videos!
Great vid gunny.dont agree with the ani being ahead of the pri pro lite. build quality is not good fluid tip seals don’t last long .but u cant please everyone.?
Another great video Gunman, really can appreciate all the effort you put in to creating these honest,unbiased reviews. Keep up the good work!
I Enjoy your videos because for a large amount of us we are not able to go try out all the different guns so your reviews are great it gives us some insight on our next purchase keep up the great work!
I love the flg5 I bought one because of your videos. I got it in 1.4 for clearcoat. I bought it from spray guns direct because of your recommendation. Great videos keep up the great work. Love to have the gun for primer.
Love the videos. Purchased my spray guns from spraygunsdirect because of you and your reviews. Couldnt be happier with my setup. Thank you.
Great videos mate. Really help sparking an old passion cheers. Keep up the good work
great video gunny! i have been folowing you for 3 years now and started to paint my self , after watching all of your vids i was inspired to start in this trade .Thank you for the daily effort in passing to other’s this craft.
Best regards from ROMANIA ( EUROPE)
FLG 5 The winner for sure. Great review as always
Another great video, watching more and more all the time, you need to give a class or workshop! Let me know if you ever want to visit Florida!
Thanks Gunny- you explain things so easily. Wouldn’t mind trying out one of these new guns on my new project my last gun is a suction iwata w- 77d. !!!
Nice video!
Im always learning new tips from you, helps alot with my projects.
Gunman top job on the reviews been dying to see this one enjoyed it
I been using a IWATA/W400
“Which is the boss’s spraygun,but you got to breakin to the safe to use it”
I’m a little disappointing seeing the DeVilbiss PRi Pro lite at #8, but what a great review, and now i know what one to get
Hell yea bin wait to see the vid. Big thumbs up from me. Gotta be in it to win it
Great review!!
hi gunny,
another excellent video and great unbiased info,as always.
i really found the selection and the uses/options picked helpful ,so giving someone the info and practical uses they could put their prospective choice to,before buying one and perhaps making a wrong choice – good work as always
Interesting review, have been using the sgk and az3 for primer for a couple of years and can’t fault them.
theres so much info here, im an apprentice and already have an SGK for base and clear, but another one for primer would be perfect
Thanks again Gunny for another great video. Always informative. Always thorough. I appreciate the unbiased opinions. Now for the hard part. Time to choose one. Lol.
Yet another quality and educational vid from The Gunman! Really up there as a genuinely unbiased and informative YouTuber in the trade. I’m a metalwork and fabrication guy so the detail and insight from the ‘POV’ of your experiences have taught me a lot. Can really see the time, effort and commitment coming through in the vids. Should be so helpful when I get to the finishing stage of my Ford Mk1 Escort resto so keep it up Gunny! All the best with future projects and experiences!
Also, one of these guns would be pukka 😉
Great review realistic factors taken into account 10/10
Very funny this video come out today, I just primered my car yesterday, and have been looking for a video like this to figure out what’s the best primer gun to buy, due to the star one I just bought not feeling like it’s giving the best results
Wish this video had come yesterday before I bought the other gun haha
I consider devilbiss slg a good primer gun why because any gun that can spray at a low pressure is good and the next thing is use a small amount of cfm that mean it can use with a small compressor and give you beautiful finish so i would want to win that gun devilbiss slg
That’s a prime selection
Love your videos man! Think I may have to buy a new gun after all!
Love your vids man so much info there great keep up the good work ??
Nice video! Always give us good info.
Awesome review as usual Gunny. Big thanks also to Spray Guns Direct for the sponsorship?.
An excellent review just in time for my next purchase. Tgznkk you gunman.
Hi Gunny
Always love the vids you do, and have given me so many tips and tricks for painting at home. The gun I really love the look of and would love to own is the DeVilbiss FLG5. Been looking at them on Sprayguns direct but just can afford one right now.
Hey gunny
Thanks for your awesome vids and reviews, they are very informative and fun to watch, I run small custom motorcycle shop in the uk and i have started to apply some of your tips to my painting “toolkit”.
so thank you and keep up the great work
Best painter
The gunman, best in the business!!
Another top quality review gunman can’t argue with your number 1 great gun thanks
Hey gunny, thanks for another video, learn a lot from them.
Awesome content as usual gunny, sata do make a 2.5mm nozzle kit. They have a polyester spraygun 100 bf P its virtually identical to the 100 bf rp. And hammers primer on without reducer.
You are the máster of spray guns, thanks for you videos and all spray guns reviews
I am new to painting and your videos have been very helpful.I’ve actually been waiting on this primer video to have a good idea as to what to buy. So thanks for all the insight and keep it up
In and out , great vid . Thanks
I love my DeVilbiss GPI, I’m keen to look the FLG5 now after watching this video.
Gunny I have watched you for years now I have learned so much about the trade from you I would be proud to own one of your primer guns mate it would mean the world to me thank you for all of your hard work
I’ve watched your videos for a few years now but I’m yet to pick up a gun for myself. I think I will have to invest in an flg5 as my first gun, for the price its a no brainer. Keep up the good videos, Gunny!
You’ve converted me to the ANI regulators, and standox with your videos.
Always delivering the good shit, Gunny.
Great video gunman. I bought the airgunza az3, hopefully it will turn out as good as you say
still like my F150 better than my Airgunsa. But thanks again for taking the time to put this together Gunny.
Another great review, pity your output has slowed though. I think I learned more watching your vids than any course in my past. Keep up the great work.
Great video man, i’ve got great Paint Jobs using tour tips
greetings from México.
Great video, i would like if somoone tried the sata 100 1.4 for clear and basecoat, puerto rico…
Great videos,purchased the FLG5. Was hard to get always out of stock.
Great review, super entertaining and helpful for the spray gun lovers around the world.
Great video Gunny, I agree with your choices & the way you categorized them. I also purchased a paint gun from Spray Guns direct and their prices & service are fantastic.
This has been a good vid for a diy guy to think about bang for buck. You also convinced me not to be super cheap. Wish you lived in the states.
Gunny you no what I’m using that purple 10 dollar spray gun for primer thanks mate for all your hard work you have inspired me in this trade I would be proud to own one of those primer guns thanks
I’ll be very happy if I win the PRI Pro lite. Again another great video full o details. Keep doing this good job with your videos.
Thanks for all your reviews Gunman,I now own a prolite,Ani r150 I really value your opinions.Thank you for this review also.You just helped me decide on my primer gun.Cheers
Hi, great write up and video, could you explain why the cheaper devilbiss FLG5 beats the GPI a bit more? I really want to know what seperates them..
I can see on price it would, but on versatility wouldn’t the GPI having the 1.6 tip available trump it? being able to do Acrylic easier? yet you gave them the same score for versatility?
Or is it that the FLG just does a better job on bases and clears than the GPI which is why you gave the versatility score? which is hard to believe based on the price of each gun?
I cant see any reason (unless i was doing acrylic) to purchase a GPI over a FLG given the price.. is there any?
Again great write up and video!
Nice one , Gunny!
Mr Gunman, can I purrrrrty pwease win a primer gun??? Cheers mate
Great review honest views like always keep up the good work
Great review honest views like always keep up the good work thanks
very well said and reviews by you gunny.. love watching all your videos.. learn alot from it..
The Gunman and Sprayguns Direct rock.Thanks for all you do in the auto refinish world.
Thanks for this. I didn’t know a different gun was needed for primer!
You are one informative SOB! I’ve found the level and amount of content in your vids is staggering. You get the point across with as much info as possible in usually under 20 minutes. Keep up the good work my friend!!!
Thank you mr gunman for great reviews. I would just like a little more info on the techniques and other equipment if possible.
Great review, thanks Gunman!?
I have a FLG5.4 could use one for primer but can’t fault FLG5 great gun also have a Pro Lite for clear
Thanks for another really useful review, Gunny.
I would love to see you review some turbine systems/guns in the future. Is there any chance of that?
great review, now i know where to spend my money
G’day Kevin here i bought the FLG5 on your advice from spray guns direct and i must say its perfect. I use it at home restoring my 63 vw beetle . I just carnt fault it.
Love what you’ve done with the video! The categories you have are perfect. Would love to try the Devilbiss, especially having your approval
Great reviews
hey mate just wanted to say thanks for all the time and effort you have put in over the last few years to not only educate but also to guide us through all the knowledge you have gained as a gunman. your videos make a whole world of difference when your trying to find that little extra motivation and confidence to tackle the next spray project.
keep up the good work mate!
Love the videos gunny
Great review as always. I tried to buy the FLG5 when you did the original review and no one had them in the US, so I went with the ANI and have not been disappointed.
Awesome video as always Gunny, thanks.
Love the vids. Always take away something.
I didn’t realize there was something better for the price than the GPI. Thanks for the video.
I’m a DIY guy and all my learning comes from your great vids. Keep up the good work.
Gunny you have outdone yourself once again in review quality! I had sneaky suspicion the FLG would win as I’ve been an avid follower for a good spell now! Great job mate!
You’re the man Gunny! I’m going to change my career at 47. Because of of your great videos, The first gun I will buy will be the Flg5 thanks to your great reviews.
Awesome breakdowns & explanations in your vids. Convinced me to paint my first vehivle this winter! Thank you for vids on Guman’s World, really appreciate your honestly talking about the bit of depression you experienced, as all of us do. Something more of us should feel comfortable putting out there without fear of judgment. Keep it up, you rock!
Always an excellent source of information on automotive painting. Thanks for another great review, I look forward to your videos.
great video I’m looking to upgrade my primer gun this makes it a little easier to pick one
Best video’s of prep work and painting and great reviews of spray guns great job gunman
I really like those spray gun reviews and I also like getting free spayguns as they would come in handy for my mini project
I have learned so much from your videos gunny. Thank you for posting quality useful content!
Like your videos, and they contain lots of helpful information, hope I can see more of the “artwork”(if you do) as I do airbrush painting! Hope I can win a good primer gun?
I use the flg5 daily i agree its a great gun great price
Been waiting for this video, definitely impressed and made my mind up on what fun to order, thanks again gunny
I’ve been using the starting line DeVILBISS gun for primer and i am actually looking for a better primer gun. The DeVILBISS SGK would be great to have cause I paint as a hobby and the occasional side job. I’ve been watching your channel since 2015 and there’s always something to learn. Keep up the great videos, and let’s paint some S***!!!
Thanks gunny
Always an unbiased, genuine review, providing useful information for us viewers. I bought an flg5 and and ani regulator from sprayguns direct for diy jobs on your recommendation. I’ve sprayed primer, direct gloss, solvent and water based base coats and clear through it no problem. Cheers gunny!
Flg had to take top spot great gun for the price
Love you’re videos Gunny. I’ve brought all of my guns based on you’ve reviews!
As always I love the reviews and you do some nice work
I was so sure that Iwata w400 will be the winner ? amazing opportunity to win a gun ? pozdrawiam!
Awesome review as always gunny ?
Thank’s for that ?
good video as always 😉
would love to win a primer gun, just finished my apprenticeship and have to use the old, uncared for shared primer gun.
Great video Gunman !!! I love my GPI for HS Clear. It was a game changer for me. Your videos have been the greatest of help, a wealth of knowledge. Cheers !
Another great review. Your YouTube video always give great advice. ?
Flg is a great gun i have one a year now in use every day great vad as allways gunny
Excellent review as always! Cheers.
Sweet review on all of these guns. Hope to be as good as you one day. Cheers man
I bought FLG5 only because of your recommendation. Can’t be any happier. After this review I will order 1.8 mm tip. Thank you very much!
Great review , I was really surprised that the FLG5 took the top honors of this review .
Thanks! Appreciate the review!
Hi gunny ! I’m using the sata for the last couple years and it’s still like brand new ! I didn’t pay for it , my boss did ! So I can’t complain about price ! Love the videos keep them coming !
All the way from Ireland !
Sorry my names coming up as anonymous
Martin Fitzgerald
Hy gunman top Review on these primerguns.
I always enjoy your vids
Love the fact you added a versatility score! Very helpful for us DIY guys. These videos are always very helpful when it comes to making a decision on which gun to buy. I used your recommendations from the top10 miniguns review to purchase my r150 gun and it did not disappoint. Thanks again and keep it up!
Awesome review as always gunny,you have no idea how much you helped people around the world!
Awesome review.thank you!
really like your utube vids, learned a lot, I currently have the starting line kit & a finish line gun, they work ok for what ive been doing but I need to upgrade & im on a budget, lol, again been a long time follower & thanks, don….
Love your videos a real help with everyday jobs I have learnt so much from you thank you again.
Primer gun, the first layer of a badass paint job. Thanks Gunny for the reviews. I’m getting closer to needing paint on my old 58 truck. Couple more patch panels and a little beating i should be ready to “paint some sh!t!”
Love the videos Gunman!!
Another great video
What’s the next top ten?
Flg5 is such an appalling gun
Nice Review, Gunny!
Greetings from Germany
Super video Gunny and great work with all guns!Thank you!
Great video as always gunny! Im sad to see te GTI Pro not featured though. Ive got a dedicated gti pro for primer, with a 2mm setup using a t110 aircap, and its the ultimate workhorse! Love it love it love it.
I love your Videos, greetings from greece!
Gunny hi from Greece. You inspired me and I started painting by myself.I bought an original devilbiss gpi and I am painting much better thanks to your videos. Continue your good job, thank you!!
Hi, Thanks for the great info provided in this video. It will definitely come in handy when I purchase a dedicated primer gun very soon.
Another great review, love watching your video’s. Have purchased a couple of ANI guns from Spray guns direct here in the UK. After your review and Tony’s Refinishing on You Tube, another follower of yours.I would also like to say Spray guns direct are an excellent firm to deal with, very pleasant and knowledgeable .I’m not a spay painter, just a retired psychiatric nurse, that’s always been a bit of a car fanatic.
Cheers and all the best
Great view.thaks gunman.
Great view.thank you gunman.
Love the youtube channel. Bought the AZ3 from sray guns direct after a review by you and have been real happy with it. Would love to try out the flg 5. All my other gun are DeVilbiss.
Awesome review as always, keep up the good work!!
Great review Gunman!Love all your videos! Good tips and information always ?
Thanks for the great information about the many spray guns
Awsome as always gunny keep up the great work and videos get out there and paint some shit
Howzit Gunny
I have been waiting for this review since you announced you were going to do a primer gun shoot out in your review of the Satajet 100BF-RP. This is another really informative review you have done and thanks for all the youtube videos you have upload, they have really taught me a lot about spray painting and i continue to learn with ever new video you put up either on the raw channel or main line channel.
Keep up the great work,
Been watching and learning from your videos from the start. Thanks and keep it up!
I love all your videos Mr gunman. That’s a great review video off all the guns.Id love to own one of them.iv learnt a lot of knowledge of you gunman. keep up all the good work and thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Thanks for the review. It’s good to see all the videos you do.
As a painter hoping to get into vehicles from industrial your content is a massive help sometimes. Thank you again.
Nice review! I like it a lot!
Amazing reviews Gunny. You pitch it at a level where even complete novices like me understand what’s you’re talking about. Thank you!
Thank you very much gunman, really love your reviews and the rating of the primer guns
About time, been waiting too long for another gun battle!
Yet another awesome video keep it up gunman
Great video I’ve been looking for a new primer gun and this helps alot
Great review as always gunny!
Just started at a new work shop spraying Cromax pro had to go back and watch some of your older vids for tip.
Keep up the great work
Great top primer gun review with both professional and diy in mind. I would go for the flg5 in both 1.8 and 1.4 options.
love the vids gunman!!! you are the best.
Gunman, thanks a lot for all the work you out into your videos. I’ve been looking to do some spraying and so far I’ve only used cans but feel like I do alright for a novice. Just bought a compressor so I’ve been watching your videos load to see what you use and your advice one how to do thing. Anyway, keep up the brilliant work and I’ll continue to look forward to the next videos.
Videos are always a blast to watch!! It’s awesome that you do product reviews on a bunch of different stuff. Always looking forward with the next review. Keep painting and review that good shit
Awesome review. Your videos have helped me out a ton. Differently learned more from you then the guys at my shop.
Great review as always. Only be in the industry for a couple of years and your videos have helped me accomplish alot in a short time.
Great Videos! I was getting ready to buy cheap items and your videos helped me get better quality without having to find out the hard way why those items were cheap. thanks
Man your videos are great, watch them all the time. You have given me the urge for new paint guns with your reviews.
Thanks for the review! I’ve been wanting the iwata primer gun but been able to afford it. Awesome video as always gunman!
Fantastic video, enjoyed the direct (no bullshit) comments about each gun. Perfect balance between time spend on each gun and the overall video duration..
Gunny. What gun do you reccomend for mobile out door painting? Mostly inside tents. Usually no bigger than bumper jobs. Using a rented sata mini jet right now. Love it lots but it’s quite expensive.. Thanks!
Love the videos I have learned so much and it has really helped me in my small one man shop that I just opened up over here in the states
Thanks for all the great video you put they are very informative I have learned a lot just by watching your videos also took your word and bought a gti pro lite love it
Awesome review as always.
Going to order the flg5 for sure
I love everything you do. I am a hobbits that watches every video you post. I have learned everything i know from your videos. I have been painting vehicles better then some body shops in my area. Thanks for the primer review! I have been in the market for one to help complete my collection
I’ve been looking to update my primer gun.
Awesome review. Would love any one of these. thanks
Wow I guess as a painter I never thought about my primer gun that much. I guess it does make a difference if you use a better primer gun. Less labor sanding maybe less material useage.great video gunny! Keep em coming!
Another great and informative video. Also like the page with the written commentary as well.
Thanks for the informative review and comparison.
Great video. Keep them coming.
Damn Gunny, you videos just keep getting better and better. Been waiting for this one for some time. Need to order a 1.8 tip from Sprayguns direct for my FLG now that I see it is the best primer gun. I have been using an Airgunza AZ3 on your recommendation which has worked flawlessly. Sprayguns Direct has been great with customer service and the shipping is reasonable to the states here and it is fast. Thanks again!
I’ve been waiting for this review after following your videos for some time so I can finally pluck up the courage to have a go and paint my first restoration project having nearly completed all the bodywork. I’ll be honest I’m a little apprehensive about painting but feel more and more confident watching and learning from your recommendations and techniques. Thanks for taking the time you invest in producing your vids as without them I wouldn’t be DIY’ing my own car 🙂
Practice with a old fender, and see how it comes out first. dont practice on your project. It’s what i did when first starting out. Yeah you might use some materials, but will not have to respray your whole car. Good luck.
Great video! I learn something from each one! I’ve been painting an old Hotrod for almost a year just a few panels at a time and I can tell a significant difference in my ability to lay color since I’ve been watching your videos. I’ll likely need to redo some of my earlier work (that is was thrilled with at the time) as a result. However, you have cost me a small fortune in new equipment that I use very rarely. Lol! Thank you for investing in the time to do this.
Great video again Gunman. My interest is only in painting speakers for the home audio system but who knows where it may go!
Thanks and take care.
You are the man, and that k you for taking the time from your live to do them. I am a better painter because of you, and gabriel. We found gabe through you too. You are a true tradesman, and I thank you for passing your knowledge on. God speed
I loved this review it help me alot I was waiting for this video.keep painting sssss
Sorry I went anonymous lol
In it to win it! Thanks for the reviews Gunman’
in desperate need of a primer gun since mine just broke last week. thanks for all of the videos and lessons gunny…you keep me learning everyday!
Good video..I am from Poland and painting in garage…I had got Ivata AZ3 but the stream was sprayed in width centre..I absolutly agree with your rank that Devilbiss FLG5 on top-it is cheap and good finished gun-my dream to have it.
Always awesome reviews. Great in depth real world reviews that I really love… straight to the point NO B.S.
Garret from GUAM
Garret from GUAM
Love your videos! Started watching years ago because I had an interest but no knowledge. I am a hobbyist and thanks to you and others I began spraying sh!t! Thanks brotha!
Good review mate. Been waiting for this one and you have delivered,again.Gotta love the sgk.
Fantastic review Gunny. Love that the best one out of the eight is very inexpensive.
Im studying to be a technician of collisions.
Just 3 months away from graduating.
Always watching your videos.
Want to be the best of the best!
Another good review. Bit surprised with the AZ3 fan size. The rest of the guns are solid
HI Gunny:
I’ve been watching your videos wanting to ask you the question of which guy I should buy for primer,base coat and clear. Like always you deliver often time before I get a change to ask the question.
I’ve ban older guy that’s been away from painting for some time now but I’m introducing the art to two of my boys that have been watching your videos and are wanting to try their luck with it on the side. I cant think of a better way to show them than with a brand new FLG5 From Devilbiss. What a wonderful opportunity you’ve given us here! Thanks so much for what you do for the automotive painting community.
Awesome video like always, I hope I win a primer gun so I can retire my harbor freight one. Keep
Good video mate. The GPI is always a solid contender. Good gun
Your videos have help me with so many things as a started painting a few years ago thanks Gunny keep the videos coming
Flg is a very good gun for the money
I hope I will win, never had a spray paint gun before.
If i win I will use it to paint few metal projects and may by painting parts of my car when I will fix the rust dommages
Great review gunman I was looking for a new primer gun and now I know which one to get!
Good review. I am super happy with my ani mini gun you recommended!
Thanks for making this video! I have the 100 B RP that I use almost daily but now am tempted to try a few different other guns!
Awesome Gunman great review thank you for sharing.
Awesome info…. I am a DIY guy using a $18.00USD gun and it does a pretty good job for my standards. It impressed my friend who owns a body shop. He actually offered me a job!…LOL. I am thinking about your number one gun the flg5 simply based on price and versatility. I would love to see what I can do with a quality gun. Do different guns give a different finish? Such as more or less orange peel. I have heard you mention something about certain makes having more or less and wondering if you would recommend one more for Asian mfg. vs. Euro mfg. Most of the work I plan on doing involves Korean and Japanese cars. Or is it mostly based on technique? Sorry if I sound like a newb…..but I am one. I just really enjoy making something new again. Keep up the great vids and I will keep watching. Thanks!
i like it. i have a dream to have airgunza az3 or devilbiss flg5. this two airgun often i see you and other use in their youtube video.
Awesome review thanks Gunman.
Hey Gunman!! totally love your videos
About time, been waiting for another gun battle for ages!
great job. thanx a lot
thank you gunman. very helpful
I bought the startingline guns back when I first started painting simply because I get 2 spray guns for the same price as the FLG5. But now I kind of wished I bought the FLG5 instead.
Good on you gunman
Don’t have a primer gun
? Keep up the good work and make us lot better painters ?m
Great video , as always great review !!!!
Great video. Keep it up.
Great video.
A big fan of the flg5 too.
Gunman rocks
Fantastic review buddy cheers. Liked the video and got my fingers crossed ?
Nice video!! Love the reviews!!!
Thank you for you help.
I like your videos!! The are really helpful for my job!!
I’m down for winning a free primer gun
Thanks for the reviews I really enjoy these and the honest opinions. You were spot on with the AZ3 and the annoying at times small fan, I found I was always trying to open it just a bit more. Would absolutely love to try an FLG in 1.4 to put some clear on some projects ☺
Can’t go wrong with Devilbiss
Love the videos n I love the Devilbiss spray guns.
The sata 100 Bf rp in 1.4 is absoloutley fantastic for apllying WOW sealer!! Not had an oppertunity to try a bigger tip size so cant comment. The flg is also a fantadtic gun! Ive had the pleasure to use one also in 1.4, base & primer goes on beautifully. A perfect all rounder if your a DIY/Hobbyist.
Great Guns, Great video!
Hey Gunman, cheers for another awesome honest review. I’m 25 and have recently devoted alot more time to spraying as I restore classic cars (valiants and datsuns), but still rely on a single gun for primer, base and clear. From your reviews I have purchased from Spraygunsdirect and mentioned your name as to why. They were incredible to deal, went above and beyond and chucked in the API regulator at no cost! Look forward to learning more off your videos! Have actually booked myself into the DNA paints course too, really excited.
Keep going gunman!!!
Thanks Gunny for kerping us up to date!
I like to keep it all DeVilbiss .
But always happy to see you still putting your time and effort in your chanel!
thanks for the videos.
Awesome videos gunny!
Thanks, Gunny. I don’t know how you manage to supply all the great knowledge and hands-on experience and still work full-time! But thanks for doing what you do!
Nice stuff due for a new putty gun so pick me haha
Love the videos and info just bought the sGK for base. May have to upgrade the primer
These reviews are golden and this one came out just the right time. I’m having trouble with primer without proper gun. Pair of FLG5s would be nice
Good call on #1. The only problem is its been out of stock at SGD for a very long time.
Great review as always!
Great vids thanks for the info.
Nice! I like your descriptions.
Love your videos
Gunny, thanks for another great video! I have recently been learning and undertaking some DIY painting projects and your videos have helped me more than you know. I went through a couple cheap guns before purchasing a GTI Pro lite per your video directions. I couldn’t be happier with the purchase. Keep doing what you are doing and thanks again for making great videos/reviews.
Now I am going to paint some shit.
Good job. Keep it up
Best channel ever.. I never win anything but I sure as hell try!
Another informative video! Thanks for sharing.. more power to man!!
These are a much higher class of gun than the 30 dollar gun I’ve had to put up with! Loving all the videos mate.
Love your videos continue like that thanks
Great videos, Keep them coming…..
Good job Gunny.
We continue to be inspired by your unbiased and well thought reviews.
Cheers from Spray Painter Philippines FB.
Doms dela Rosa
Thanks for rating those guns! very professional and fair review!
Very good review and comparison like always.
Have already purchased an FLG5 from spray gunsdirect after watching your previous video.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge and tips for the DIY people.
hi gunny brilliant vids learnt alot watching you
keep up the great work m8
Hi Gunny
Ik really appreciate you’re videos. They help me learning the art of Spraypainting and I’m eger to watch all of you’re future-videos!
Thanks for all you’re tips & tricks, you really are a magician in what you do.
Grtz from The Netherlands
Love the videos !!
Been looking to buy a primer gun for a few weeks now as we have a LWB High top Ford Transit to do a full repaint ?. We have a Sealey primer gun for the workshop and it’s shocking!!
Хороший обзор!
A great Gunman review once again.
I have just got myself a FLG in a 1.4 set up for clear
and can not fault it in any shape or form.
now looking at getting the FLG in a 1.8 set up for primer.
Keep up the great work Gunny
Tried to think of some cheesey compliment but the truth is I’m just here to get me a new primer gun! Cheers Gunman! Peace!
Thanks for the chance to win and for all you do!
Necesito una pistola¡¡¡
Con una pistola me siento mas hombre
Just started painting and brought a priming Gunn from supercheap. Please I need help mentally and a new priming Gun tha one was crap
Another great giveaway from the Gunny and SprayGunsDirect, thank you for this opportunity. ?
Great review
Id have me a devilbiss pri pro or the gpi ?? always watch your videos.
I appreciate the time to take out of your day to supply people with your non bias opinions. You inspired to start spray painting, and I have a ball doing it. Thx Gunman
Great work
Thanks heaps for the vids
You have given me the confidence to give a respray ( in. Black )) a go
Thanks heaps
Nice and reliable review.
Good info and great review as usual! Love all your hard work! It really helps us DIYers.
Thanks heaps
The vids are great
You gave me the confidence to give a black car a go
Great feedback Gunman! I’m looking to get myself a mid range gun, I was leaning towards towards the Airgunsa but might rethink after you mentioned the fan width. Cheers!
Devilbiss GBI looks awesome! These guns has rly nice fan width.
Great videos keep up the good work.
Great videos keep up the good work. And I was just looking into getting a new primer gun as well .. the 3m primer guns suck !!
Great reviews as always! Your work Is slicker than whale snot! Yoooo!
Top vid as always top job
Thank you for your videos!! I have bought my first mini gun following the advices that you give about mini guns in your video. Lets paint some shit!!!
Great review. I absolutely love my FLG5 1.4ml
From a DIY’r, thanks for the great advice. As always no bulls$#t like we get fed from retailers trying to rip us by saying we need to spend on their premium equipment. So glad I held off buying a gun.
Great review as always Gunman, its refreshing to see the most expensive guns don’t always come out on top!
Thanks for all your vids. Thanks to you I purchased a flg5 from Spray Guns Direct
I have been working in a very reputable shop for 11 months and have recently become the lead painter without any previous autobody history. I have learned almost everything I know about proper prep and paint work from Youtube, paint forums, and hard knocks. Your videos, specifically, have been invaluable. Thanks and keep painting SH!T!
Awesome video!
Great advice and excellent review mate !
picked up an flg5 after countless hours watching your videos and last years review been painting all sorts of shit in Mums garage making a mess and having a ball .
Love your work
Gotta say I would have difficulty using an iwata Bellaria as a primer gun. Too nice a gun for primer. Like using a race horse to pull an ox cart. Seen too many primer guns ruined through bad habits to spend big money on one.
As you stated the FLG-5 is not available in the USA and I can’t seem to find the SGK either. I was looking for a basecoat gun and attempted to purchase the FLG-5 a few weeks back from Spray Guns Direct. DeVilbiss was behind on production at the time and Spray Guns Direct offered the GPi at a reduced price. Now I would like to have a good primer gun too. Would you recommend using the GPi for priming also, or should I make another attempt at purchasing the FLG-5 as my primer only gun? I only paint about three or four times a year, but I don’t mind spending the money if it makes for a better finish.
Great vids as always. Love them. Flg5 looks like an awesone gun
been waiting for this review great job gunny
I enjoy your informative videos.. Thanks Gunman!
I cant affort one of these guns but id be very happy to win one
I wish I got to bbnpaint every day like you. Thanks for the infoas always.
I wish I got to bbnpaint every day like you. Thanks for the infoas always.
Great video I have the Sata 100B and I do agree its very good with primer and sealer
also what are your thoughts on the 3M primer guns with the disposable tip? we tend to use a lot of them in the states as shop guns due to the different fluid tip sizes
Great video and reviews
Very helpful video!Thanks gunman
Great vids great tips.Lots of info.Keep them comming!
Great review. Devilbiss still the best all rounder in most departments. Yeah buddy!!
Hi gunman, love your videos, I am in this trade for year and half, i’d love to win one of these guns, actually i would try devilbiss brand
Really enjoy your videos, learning and understanding alot watching you, great job.
I aprecuate all your videos
Good choice Gunny. I am looking forward to having a go at respraying my VL Turbo, cheers for all the videos as they help all us newbies gain the information needed to ‘get out and paint some shit”!
Fantastic video! Would still love to try the PRI.
Very insightful video gunny.
Great job as always!! Thank you for your help!!
, thanks for this videos , very intructive informations , i see some of devilbiss are made in china and solded at ebay at 70usd around , serial gfg and hd , any comment about those first made low prices qualities ?
sir gunman , when a select of ,low prices but good qualities chineese or other brands suplliers
sata iwata devilbiss are too much higher pricer for common peoples
, i think about , italco , aouarita , and some others
please to inform me what better for , clear painting varnish
Even just watching this shootout, I learnt something new. Keep it up Gunny.
Great video and working on apprentice wages price s definatley an important factor
Great review. I’m at the point in my project where this information is appreciated.
My husband is always watching your videos .so we here about every new update . But it’s good he is excited about something ?
My husband watches your videos all the time . We then get a update on everything he saw . But I’m glad that he’s excited about something ?
Your the best teacher gunny!
Great reviewand great work from you as always Gunny! Thanks for all the work, good tips and videos and it’s very cool to see a new giveaway! Cheers!
Very informative video for anyone looking for a spraygun, it’s nice to see different guns in action thank you and keep them coming ?
Manny R.
Let’s Paint some SH#T !!
Love your video Gunny. Cheers!
Great vid Gunman
Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Your description of the ani pot being a ‘pain’ can you expand on that.
Hey Charles, just my 2cents. The ANI guns/pots. You know how most gun cups have a threaded screw on lid, The ANI has these weird tab and slot lids. You have to kinda line up the tabs, push down, then twist. and they don’t exactly seal every time. You only find out it’s not screwed on correctly when it leaks. Pain in the ass.(thats just the cup & lid) The gun itself IS AWESOME! The Gunman has a couple videos on the ANI 150’s. I bought 3. Had to wait until SprayGunsDirect got them back in stock.. Gunny sold them out after his reviews. Great guns and for the price it’s worth dealing with the poorly designed cup. Hope this helps.. now GPSS 😉
thanks for taking the time to do these reviews very useful and informative!
Talk about flg5 popularity, couldn’t get my hands on one locally ot through spg! They ended up sending me the gpi which is a nice gun too! Would love to get my hands on a bellaria though, never had an iwata. It looks like a top quality gun.
Talk about flg5 popularity, couldn’t get my hands on one locally or through spg! They ended up sending me the gpi which is a nice gun too! Would love to get my hands on the bellaria, never had an iwata. It looks like a great gun.
Gunny love your videos.
Been watching your videos for a while. I have a FLG4 for base clear and have been looking for a good primer gun. I have never been able to find the FLG5 in the states.
Nicely done gunman.its the best review I can get. Thank help a lot of people like an amateurs like me.thank you sir
Love the videos! Keep up the great work!
Love the videos and keep up the great work!
Watch all your videos here in Arkansas. So thankful for the work you do. Would love this opportunity. Keep it up Gunman!!!
good luck to everyone!
I DISAGREE , The DeVilbiss SLG should not even be included for review. It’s bulky (feel in the hand) and out of date. Spend a little more and get a “real gun”.. like ANI 150/160. Greetings Gunny from Los Angeles California. Appreciate ya, thanks for taking the time to do the reviews/videos. So, you say Bellaria’s spray nice? (wink)
Love the videos. Lots of great tips with no BS, just practical advice.
As someone who is only just starting to get into painting (had a few lessons) your videos are great as they balance up the price, build quality and finish quality for different applications. Definitely going to help me to decide what to get when the time comes to et my own gun! Thanks
As someone who is just getting into painting (had a few lessons!) your videos are really helpful as the balance up the price, build quality and finish quality for different applications. Will definitely help me choose when the time comes to get my own gun! Thanks
Hey Gunnie, I use an AZ3 as my daily primer gun and completely agree about everything especially the small fan.
But with the W400 we differ, I spray most days with a couple of w400s, think last I checked the BA was available for $385+ GST in a kit with reg and case. I haven’t used it with the larger tips sizes but have sprayed everything through a 1.4 (they’re available to at least 2.5mm)inc 2k primer/direct gloss, wow, plastic primer, acrylic, base & clear and while not ideal to spray some through a 1.4 and it’s quite capable and with the correct tip size it would be near perfect finish.
I will say they’re a little slower for clear/dg than some other guns that put out material a lot faster
Hallo from Poland;-) i use 3 years now Airgunsa AZ3 only for primer soon need change for better one. THx for video now I know devilbiss is the best
devilbiss the best guns on the market!
Thanks for all the knowledge gun man
Exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!
Exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!
Great vid, already got myself a ani r150 and love it from your recommendations
Thanks for the awesome review. I liked your quick and objective discussion with video of using each gun. Captured my attention well. I have learned a lot from your videos!
Either one of these would be a step up from my old Sata primer gun
Great video love to get my hands on one of those Satas
Great video love to get my hands on one of those Satas ???
devilbiss the best guns on the market
very helpful videos!
lets paint some shit!
keep going!!
Great review – big help when there are a gazzillion options to choose from!
Great review – real handy when there are a gazillion options out there to choose from!
Great review Gunny!
Love ya work bruva I’m sanding my Calais wagon ready for re-spray and needing a new gun for this job your reviews make my choice so much easier thanks gunman
Got me an Airgunsa a few years back cos of your review. Looks like there’s an FLG5 in my future now.
Thanks Gunny!
Your videos are always very helpful and thanks to many of them i’ve been painting my own car with good results!
Kepp up the good work Gunman!
Your videos are always very helpfull. Thanks to many of them i’ve been able to paint my own car with good results!
Kepp up the good work Gunman!
Great job gunny
Have just come in from trying to spray primer from and old star with a 1.4 tip. You have made me realise that a dedicated primer gun will make it easier and does not have to cost a fortune so will be ordering one soon I think. Love the link to Scott and his old escorts you can see he has been watching lots of your vids and uses heaps of your tricks. As I am doing a full rotisserie rebuild on another old Toyota would love to see a series with some of your older vids
Keep painting some shit
Hey gunny
Just been in the shed trying to spray primer from and older star with a 1.4 tip and it is the last time I try that. This review has shown that I do not have to spend a fortune to get a good quality dedicated primer gun so will be ordering one before the next layer of primer goes on. I am doing a full rotisserie rebuild on an old corolla so the new one will get plenty of use. Would love to see a series on some of your older vids and full resprays with a modern commentary (in your spare time)
Keep painting some shit
Great review as always
gunman the best !Those guns are quite good i need to upgrade my stuff i will go on their website 🙂
Flg5 1,4 is great for solvent base coat as well gunny!
Excellent flg5!
Hi gunny! Great vid and review as always. Was stoked when this review propped up on my phone last night! Thanks for your hard work and awesome videos!
Hey mate,
Awesome video as always, thanks! Been looking at primer guns lately so was stoked when this review popped up! Love ya work!
Looks like I will be adding an FLG5 to my arsenal. Being so versatile is a win win for people like me that don’t paint often. Thanks Gunman
Cheers mate. Perfect timing as need a primer gun for an S14 project/rebuild.
Already using your recommended ani r 150 mini gun for spraying electric guitars that I build … its perfect
Great work Gunny. Thanks for the time you put into these videos and reviews.
Hi gunny.
Great video.
Always wanted sata 100 bf.
Another great video gunny, might have to invest in a new primer gun like sata 100 bf
Another awesome video..thanks for all the time you put into this. Im painting trucks and cars with no formal training..just hundreds of hours of the Gunman and lots of trial and error. When somebody tells me they want to learn to paint cars..i tell them to watch Gunman till their head explodes and then go try.)
If it’s good enough for you it’s good enough for the rest of us!
Cheers, Gunny!
Always great information. Thank you for the review.
great review as always gunman!
Great job! Both tips of the FLG5 may be good for 2k as I do it: 1.8 mm for two undiluted coats and, after hardening and dry sanding with 220/320 grit+spray guide coat, two diluted coats with the 1.4 mm to fill the scratches and create a baby-bottom surface for paint. This is sanded with 320 dry, 600 + 800 wet (no guide coat) and inspected with water for straightness.
I see this as a standalone primer gun, as I like to use 1.2 mm for clear and 1.3 mm for base.
As I do it, I would use the two tips of the FLG5. First 2k primer coat undiluted with 1.8 and finishing coat with 1.4.
Great work!
Really great videos worth watching thanks buddy
Really great video thanks buddy
Great Vid, Get great info from you. I know it takes alot of time out of your day. Thank you
Really enjoy your videos. Keep it up.
Perfect timing! Just about to purchase a new primer gun. Cheers mate, great content.
Top Video!
have followed all of your videos on both the main channel and the RAW. I have 2 FLG 5’s one for primer and one for the finish.
Top videos and top tips!
Thanks for helping and clearing questions out!
from Malta!
A very helpful review for beginners like me.Thanks!
Hey Gunny, love your videos as always, been watching them for quite a while now. Won’t think of buying a new gun without seeing your review first.
Cheers from Indiana, Cam
Hi Gunman, just love your videos, got the GPi after seeing your review just loving it, thanks man.
Very helpful to DIY’s like me.
Cheers from Bornholm, Denmark
What’s up with all the with all the double comments people trying to cheat come on make it fair for everyone no one should have a unfair vantage because you come in over and over that don’t even make sense to keep on keeping on Gunman and God bless you PS go paint some shit
What’s up with all the double comments people trying to game the system keep on keeping on gunman appreciate the videos God bless you PS go paint some shit
Awesome video gunman always look forward to watching your videos keep up the fantastic work
Absolutely love the videos, I find myself watching over and over to flawlessly duplicate your techniques. I can’t afford everything you recommend, but I have quite a collection now. I’ve painted 3 cars, 2 Cycles and a few bumper covers for friends. Like to see more in depth blending techniques if you have the opportunity. I have dug through your vids and have seen 1 kinda short on the subject. I live in the USA and have turned quite a few people onto you. Plenty of room here if you ever decide to come see this side of the World, there’s place to stay any time. The wife and I may plan a trip your way next year. Hate to beg, but having an autographed gun sent my way would make my life! KEEP PAINTING SOME SHIT FOR US!
I have the pri prolite and a SLG and was surprised to see how low the prelite ranked. I would choose my prolite over the slg any day. I wouldn’t mind getting an FLG5 though. I have recommended that gun to a friend as an all around good gun to get.
Keep up the great work. Wouldn’t mind an explanation or video on what tip size for acrylic paint and clear coat. So many differing opinions.
Keep the videos rolling
Great videos Gunny! You have rekindled my love for painting after 20 years away from the trade
Been looking for something like this for ages, awesome work and honest too
Been looking for something like this for ages, awesome work and honest too.
Hi Gunny, bought the AZ3 based on this for primer. I noticed that it doesn’t come with a paint filter for the cup despite showing it on the schematic. Is it necessary to use one, ie will it effect the performance of the gun?
Cheers Mate
Don’t use a gun filter for primers. You can always use a cone filter prior to filling the cup
But always filter your primer many people think ? it’s only primer and I’m going to rub it anyway
but any lumps that get through the gun will be un catalyzed and never harden.
Great. Thanks for the advice, appreciated.
Another great video Gunny awesome content!!! Time to invest in a new primer gun.
Been a massive help mate to only myself but many many others from around the globe, Very insightful information, Much appreciated Gunny…Legend thankyou!
Appreciate all the hard work you put in mate to help us all from across the globe….legend Gunny!
Awesome reviews, I have been watching your videos for years but haven’t been active in leaving comments.. Thank you and keep posting them videos!!
Thanks for everything, love your videos,
I know old school paint stuff, you tought me the new tech. Thanks. Btw, SATA’s are the beast of them, still can’t leave mine over 20 years.
Great review man. I like the websites too. Might have to pick up an FLG
They’re all great primer guns and this is another great review
great video like always,love my sata
Great video, why no Sagola?
Also, is there a US equivalent?
Why no Sagola?
Great Video!
always a pleasure to watch your videos, i run a sata 3000b for base and clear , along with my teckna prolite 1.3 he7 cap, u actually have the devilbiss starting line gun which i only use for my epoxy, but ive been looking for a new primer gun and your video helped me see my options better thanks mate…Shor
Turning Heads Custom Chroming & Design
Cosmichrome system
Thanks Gunman, nice work as always!
Apologies if this is repeat, but thanks for the great review Gunman.
Another great video Gunny . I have learned a lot from you .
Keep up the great work.
thx Gunman, I love to watch your video, great review thx
Great reviews. I have followed your advice and purchased a GTi pro lite and the ANI150. Love the results gotten. Now for a good primer gun.
Love love love your videos. Much respect your professionalism and your knowledge it is very much appreciated.
Yet another great video. Keep em coming.
Great videos Gunny!
Hard to choose a spray gun with so many on the market. Thanks Gunman for the honest reviews!
This was excellent, thank you for your time.
Excellent video, thank you.
Love the videos, keep the content coming gunny.
Great video
Thanks for your videos.Greetings from Puerto Rico.
Thanks for your videos. Greetings from Puerto Rico
Gunna start painting sh!t again thanks to these tutorials. Come to Orlando and we can get a pint.
Its nice to see reviews with information for us DIY guys.
Another great review which without the option of trying guns professionally, I only spray at home, I would have absolutely no clue which way to turn and would undoubtedly end up wasting money on poo!
Your videos have helped me in so many ways it`s stupid! Having the option to keep my beloved 2005 MG ZS looking how I WANT it to look without having to shell out 1000`s is by itself worth it`s weight in gold!
Sincere thanks Gunny, there will ALWAYS be a place at this Englishman`s table for you, just remember to bring your guns!!!
Im still rockin the original devilbiss PRI. Does the job but the fan size isnt as good the the pro lites… Honest review. Keep up the good work
Hey Gunman, another excelent gun comparative video! I always look forward to watching your videos, keep up the great work!
Love the videos! Keep up the great work and lets get out there and paint some sh!t! ✌️ ✌️
Congratulations to the winner and thanks to gunman
I walk away with more information every time I watch. I personally would like to check out the Sata. I’d like to see for myself if there all that there hyped up to be.
Thanks Gunman. I’m going to go paint some shit!
Haha slicker than whale snot. That is gold! cheers for the tips mate.
Awesome review, as always, Gunman!
I just wanted to say thanks for all your videos. I learn a ton and appreciate you helping out the DIY guy and all your helpful advice. I just bought a FLG5 from spraygunsdirect at your recommendation and I hope it gets here to the USA quick! Thanks again for all the effort and work you do to produce such great videos.
Great info. Thanks!
Hey man!! Thanks for all the great videos!! I do wood finishing here in the US, and I gotta say you’ve helped me make a lot of invaluable purchased that have made my life soooooo much easier. Thanks for helping me “spray some shit” a lot better, ha!
I love my flg5 in 1.4. These reviews just make me buy more guns.
Your videos have helped me immensely over the past few years. I currently own the Iwata Air Gunsa and have re-bought it as well. Thanks and best wishes,
I was to get the going, but now might get the Number 4 Airgunsa AZ3 (By Iwata), as it has a greater selection of needle sizes.
Is the Airgunsa AZ3 best for spot repairs?
Nice comparison hells yea for the devilbiss guns love the content man keep at it and go paint some shit!!!
Great review of the guns. I love the videos, and trust your opinion when you give it. Thanks for everything you do!
Dear Gunman, I’ve been following you on YouTube. Based on what I’ve gathered, I’m looking at a pair of FLG-5 guns 1.8 primer for epoxy primer and 1.4 2 Part polyurethane topcoat and 2 Part polyurethane clear topcoat. I’m going to paint a 1979 Cessna 182Q 4 place all aluminum aircraft stripped to bare metal. This aircraft has top mounted wings which will need a ladder to reach to paint the top surface. Each wing panel surface (I.e. left top wing) is about 10 square meters area (100 square feet). My question is, do I get a gravity gun or should I go for a pressure feed gun and a 2 quart pressure cup system? Thanks!
Have you ever used the DeVilbiss TEKNA Primer Spray Gun 1.8 and 2.0 mm Nozzle Size 704175
Hello great review
i noticed FLG4 is not on the list at all…
i did see your reviews on it and they came out to be very accurate
now looking for a primer gun option as i have tekna pro lite for base and clear
i do happen to spray nason epoxy a lot (FLG4 for now) so looking for something that will do a good job without the very high price 🙂
Love your videos. I live in Canada and It would be awesome to win the Iwata w400 gun. I only dream of being able to afford a gun of this quality.
Thank you,
Brad Pagett
Gunman I love watching your videos you say how it is ,the truth , have peoplein montreal Canasta top painters with expensive paint guns and they say it’s the expensive gun that does a good job. They brag about it that they paid more than 1000.oo for their paint gun ,.you ,I, ve seen lots of your videos .and I learnt a lot of them and for an automobile mechanic I’m not bad comparing to myself to body painters ..I want thank you for taking the time up loading videos … Carlo .
Staying tuned for the next great video. Thanks
yeah man I. think the pro lite is a good gun
Awesome videos always informative to watch. I’ve been painting for years and never knew some of the details you touch on. Keep up the great work. I actually using your recommendations for my new guns.
Another great review thanks mate, i work in IT started watching your videos and decided to start painting stuff. Really enjoy painting and your videos made it possible great work!!
Hi Gunny!
I have seen this competition for many times, and still thinking, which gun it would
be.. There are two or three nice guns, i would like..
DeVilbiss GPI, Sata 100 fb, and ANI F 160..
I just don’t know..
Bloody awesome reviews mate!
Thanks heaps for dedicating your time to educate and inspire us less skilled operators and part time warriors you have a gift of communication keep it up
Best Regards & Thanks